- Are you starting a business or purchasing a current operating business?
- Selling the Product or Service:
- Product
- Resale Product
- Manufactured Product
- Service
- Outside Service
- Do you have any experience selling your product or service?
- Is your product or service provided by other companies? (Who is your competition?)
- To whom are you selling your product and service?
- What is the selling price range?
- Target Market
- Define Target Market
- How to reach Target Market
- How large is the Target Market?
- Purchasing, Manufacturing, and Related Costs of Your Product or Service.
Resale Product
- Who are your suppliers and what are the financial arrangements for payment?
- Do you have the space to hold inventory?
- How would the product be delivered to customers?
- Can your product become obsolete, worthless, spoiled?
Manufactured Product
- Will you need to obtain a Patent?
- Will you manufacture the product or sub-contract the manufacturing?
- Do you have the space to hold inventory?
- How would the product be delivered to customers?
- What are your direct and indirect manufacturing costs?
- Can your product become obsolete, worthless, spoiled?
Cost of Goods Sold
- Product for Sale
- Raw Materials
- Resale Products
- Freight-In
- Packaging Supplies
- Factory Labor & Related Payroll Taxes & Employee Costs
- Factory Overhead
- Rent
- Electric
- Insurance
- Factory Expenses – Cleaning Services & Supplies, Alarm Contracts, Repairs, etc.
General, Administrative and Selling Expenses
- Salaries
- Pension Plan
- Insurance - Medical
- Insurance - Long Term Care
- Employee Benefits - Other
- Fica & Medicare Tax
- Federal and State Unemployment Insurance Tax
- Dbl Insurance
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Rent
- Electric
- Rent - Storage
- Telephone
- Internet Services
- Office & Stat, & Comp. Supp
- Postage & Messenger Service
- R & M - Office Equipment
- Office Repairs & Maint.
- Equip. Maint. Contracts
- Computer Consulting
- Accounting, Legal, Computer Fees
- Professional Publications
- Professional Seminars
- Dues & Subscriptions
- Licenses & Permits
- Auto & Truck Rental
- Auto & Truck Expenses
- Parking & Tolls
- Trains, Taxis & Buses
- Travel
- Advertising & Promotions
- Entertainment & Meals
- Gifts & Holidays
- Insurance – Business, Liability, etc.
- Interest
- Bank Charges
- Moving Costs
- Federal Corporation Tax
- State Corporation Tax
- NYC Corporation Tax
- New Jersey Corporation Tax
U.S. Treasury Circular 230 Notice:
Any tax advice contained in this document is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose
- avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code or by any other applicable tax authority, or
- promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax-related matter addressed herein.